In this short film, Herb Nahapiet, Chair of the Fitzherbert Community Hub Steering Group, talks about the innovative design of the hub.
An expert design team
We have worked with a team of inspirational architects and consultants, experts in the design of community space, to create a building that is welcoming, multifunctional, energy-efficient and which encourages social inclusion. The design scope was co-produced with members of the community, through wide consultation, to ensure that the hub answered the needs of those living locally. In addition, we worked closely with a range of locally embedded organisations, with whom this space will be shared, establishing gaps in provision in this part of the city and ensuring these were incorporated into the hub design.
‘Be lean’ energy design approach
The design has included carbon footprint reduction measures, adopting the ‘Be Lean’ energy design approach reducing the need for reliance on fossil fuels. This method of energy conservation makes design specific measures, utilising low carbon alternatives, resulting in greater energy efficiency and reduced energy costs in the long term. A whole systems approach to the landscape design of the Community Garden embraces the dual potential of this project to improve the wellbeing of people and benefit the environment. As members of the UK Green Building Council, we are working to the principles of the UK Green Building Council’s ‘Framework for Defining and Delivering Social Value on Built Environment Projects’.
Incorporation of Covid resilience measures
Herb reflects on all these issues in the film and also describes ways in which Covid resilience measures have been incorporated into the design of the building through increased ventilation and covered outside seating. In his conclusion, he says
“In essence, we want this building and community garden, with its purpose, values, activities and feelings to shape those who come here to be happy. We want this to be a happy space’. We cant wait to share this happy space with our community!”
We would like to thank Stefanie Stead and Xanthe Quayle our imaginative building and landscape architects whose designs will enable all the desired activities and achieve the objectives to make this space feel welcoming and vibrant, David Kenney, our hard working project manager and quantity surveyor, our low carbon engineers Sam Kench and Samual Payne, John Harrison, structural engineer and our acoustic engineer Emma Greenland who has introduced sound absorption measures to ensure sound privacy and enhance the quality of sound so that those hard of hearing can hear better and feel comfortable. And the UK Green Building Council whose Framework for Defining Social Value was really helpful in informing how our values could be incorporated into the design of the Fitzherbert Community Hub.