Welcoming & nourishing all with food, friendship & fun!

Welcome to the Fitzherbert Community Hub! A community of communities, a sanctuary where the diverse people of East Brighton can connect and thrive.

Our mission is to reduce food poverty and social isolation, progressively and determinedly, by welcoming and nourishing all with food, friendship and fun; offering a safe place where local people can come to eat, form lasting relationships, exercise and belong.

We have converted the parish hall and courtyard at St John the Baptist church into a Community Hub and City Garden with a commercial standard teaching kitchen, dining area, purpose-built food bank facilities and additional meeting spaces designed to promote activity and instil a sense of belonging in your local area.

A place where you can get together with your neighbours and get to know them better. Real Junk Food Project Brighton will be running a daily ‘pay as you feel’ community café from the Hub using food that would otherwise be sent to landfill.

You can make a donation to the project by contacting us here.

What’s on at the FCH Hub

Food at the Fitzherbert Community Hub

The Real Junk Food Project Brighton’s Community Cafe is now open at St John the Baptist parish hall.

Opening times:
Monday: mASCot training session (cafe by invitation)
Tuesday: Friday: 10.00-14.00 (lunch from noon)
Saturday: closed

Join us for a delicious lunch made from food that would otherwise go to landfill on a ‘pay as you feel’ basis.

Foodbank opening times:
Monday: 10.30-11.30
Now located in the Presbytery (access from the front door)

Thanks for donations

Our thanks go to the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, FareShare Sussex, Sussex Gleaning Network, The Real Junk Food Project Brighton, Brighton Food Factory, Brighton & Hove City Council, the SVP Our Lady of Lourdes, Rottingdean and the Albert Gubay Foundation for food donations.

If you have any questions about the food at the Fitzherbert Community Hub or you’d like to make a donation, you can get in touch via our contact page. Click the button below

You can also find more information about the Emergency Food Network in Brighton & Hove here.

Latest News & stories

The Fitzherbert Blog

For updates on the Fitzherbert Community Hub project, fundraising news, information about what’s on at the Hub and the latest from our partners, check out the blog here.

Videos from Stories of Note

Check out the latest video from local filmmaker Stories of Note, documenting the development of the Fitzherbert Community Hub. And you can see more short films here.

Find out about our partners

Brighton Table Tennis Club, Real Food Project Brighton, Voices in Exile and St John the Baptist Church are working together on the Fitzherbert Community Hub project with a shared vision to reduce food poverty and social isolation in East Brighton. 


This project would not be possible if it wasn’t for the support of the following organisations.

The Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation
Allchurches Trust Limited
Community Fund
Diocese of Arundel and Brighton
Garfield Western Foundation
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
Landfill Communities Fund
Sport England
Veolia Environmental Trust

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